Philosophy in Routesetting

At the Innsbruck climbing centre, we attach great importance to high quality route setting. Even on the easiest routes, we want to make you aware of the beauty and elegance of climbing moves and get you excited about our sport. The members of our route setting team also work as trainers and use this experience to enhance the technical, physical and mental requirements appropriate for the level of difficulty. The more difficult the routes or boulders, the more diverse the required techniques, the more finger strength or blocking power is required and the greater the mental challenges are faced, so that you sometimes have to climb smarter, braver or faster. In this way you learn more with each increasing level of difficulty.

If you don't have balanced climbing skills in the three key areas (technique, strength and mind), not all routes will suit you equally. Our training tip for anyone who wants to increase their level of difficulty is: As soon as you can climb several routes or boulders with different characteristics at your level, try your hand at routes that are more difficult. It takes you further on all levels. As the wise old climber says: "If you want to climb hard, you don't just have to climb a lot, you also have to climb hard".

Boulder Sektoren



Current Boulder Setting

This Week

  • Rampe

Next Week

  • Außenbereich links

Boulder Offering

A total of 200 boulder problems in eight different colours/levels of difficulty are available to you in a bouldering area of 1250 ㎡. The coloured boulder area, also known as the parkour area, is 600 ㎡ inside and 200 ㎡ outside. On the upper floor is the 200 ㎡ spray wall, a very steep training wall used by the climbing association, which can be used by all visitors outside of the reserved times. At the far end of the bouldering area is the so-called "Rondell", where the climbing association sets up its competition boulders. The somewhat smaller and flatter spray wall of 50 ㎡ is located on the training course gallery above the ramp, which is peppered with long traverses through the large roof. You can find out more about what we offer for bouldering in the description of the climbing hall.


Almost every Wednesday we are busy redesigning one of the eight sectors in the boulder area, so that almost every week 30 new coloured boulder problems are created for you. We usually manage to redesign the entire course area every two months. Over the whole year, there are a total of 1600 new boulder problems.

The bouldering areas in the training area, especially the spray wall in the BLZ training area and the rondell, are subject to a different rebuilding cycle. These are primarily based on the various training phases, but also on the tests and competitions run by the climbing association.

Whoever is in the boulder area can see which sector is to be rebuilt in the current or following week by checking the overview board in the long corridor. The individual sectors in the parkour area have the following names: Pilz, Verschneidung, Dach, Rampe, Campus, Platte, outdoor left and outdoor right.

Team Boulder setting

Our fixed team for bouldering consists exclusively of national and international route setters. Among them: Georg Weber, Reini Scherer, Flo Murnig, Kornelius Obleitner and Celina Schoibl.

With occasional help from the boulder builders and trainers of the climbing association:

Jorg Verhoeven  (international route-setter), Fabian Leu (national route-setter), Hannes Brunner  (national route-setter), Kilian Fischhuber (national route-setter), Katharina Saurwein (national route-setter), und other trainers and guest route-setter like: Reini Fichtinger, Jacopo Larcher, Stefano Scarperi, Mauro Schwaszta, …

Georg - Bereich Routenbau

Weber Georg

Chief Routesetter
Reini Scherer Geschäftsführer Kletterzentrum Innsbruck

Scherer Reinhold

former international Routesetter
Flo Murnig - Web Design

Murnig Flo

international Routesetter
Korni - Routenbau

Obleitner Kornelius

national Routesetter
Eva Maria Hammelmüller

Eva Maria Hammel-müller

Trainie Routenbauerin

Color Concept

Indoor & Outdoor
KI Boulder Farbe

It is climbed by color (holds + structures)

KI Bouldern Volumen

Gray structures are neutral and may always be used

KI Boulder Start Markierung

Starting holds at Boulder are marked with white dots

Ki Top Schild Bewertung

Top holds are marked with the grading number

KI Boulder Start Schilder

Special boulders with shorter moves are marked separately

How we grade the boulders?

We rate each boulder on a numerical scale from 1 (very easy) to 6 (very difficult). Building upon this, training boulders are rated from 7 to 9. The ratings are attached as close as possible to the top hold. Each starting hold is marked with a white dot next to the hold or in the screw hole. Boulders with shorter moves are labeled with a "KIDS SIZE" sign. This does not necessarily mean that these boulders are reserved only for children, but rather that we avoid long reaches and do not build the boulders all the way to the end of the wall.







Special Training Boulders for the BLZ

Difficulties 7 to 9 typically represent training boulders from the Federal Training Center, which are of course meant to be climbed.






Very Hard

Lead Sectors

KI Vorstieg Hauptwand

KI Vorstieg Nebenwand

KI Vorstieg Turm


Current Routesetting

This Week

  • Wettkampfturm Süd

Next Week

  • Wettkampfturm Süd

Climbing Offering:

There is 4500 ㎡ of  climbing area available for rope climbing. Of this, 3000 ㎡ are indoors and 1500 ㎡ are outdoors. There are usually 2 - 3 routes in different colours and levels of difficulty per line, so that you can go for it on almost 550 different routes with levels of difficulty from 4a to 9b. In addition, there are eight auto-belay stations, 14 top-rope stations and between 2 and 4 speed climbing routes. The steep competition and training areas of the climbing association can also be used by any visitor outside of the reserved times. You can find out more about our range available from the route list or under the description of the climbing hall.


As a rule, we rebuild a sector every Monday with 6 lines each. Around 15 new routes are created every week. If you are on the premises you can check which sector is to be rebuilt in the current or following week or next from the overview board at the entrance to the rope climbing hall. The holds are dismantled early in the morning and then washed. However, the new routes are assembled with different holds from our warehouse, so that our holds rotate gradually throughout the hall. On average, we manage to completely redesign the entire hall every 8-9 months using our sophisticated rotation system. Due to the very use, the auto-belay (Toppas) area is rebuilt every 2 - 4 months. The training course area and the outdoor area are only reset once a year due to high utilization during the winter months. In total, we build around 850 new routes for you every year. New routes are first labelled using tape for 1 week and only after then entered into the system once the grades have been confirmed.

The steep areas of the training area, both indoors and outdoors, are subject to a different rebuild cycle and are reset by the climbing association 2 to 3 times a year according to their training program and competitions.

    Team Routesetting

    Zu unserem fixen Team für den Routenbau gehören ausschließlich nationale und internationale Routenbauer:innen. Unter ihnen: Reini Scherer, Georg Weber und Flo Murnig.

    Im überhängenden Bereich des Leistungszentrums bauen hauptsächlich die Routenbauer:innen und Trainer:innen des Kletterverbandes:
    Jorg Verhoeven  (nat. Routenbauer), Fabian Leu (nat. Routenbauer), Hannes Brunner (nat. Routenbauer), Christopher Hurm (nat. Routenbauer), Katharina Sauerwein (nat. Rouenbauerin) und weitere Trainer:innen bzw. int. Gastroutenbauer:innen wie: Reini Fichtinger, Jacopo Larcher, Stefano Scarperi, Jan Zbranek, Adam Pustelnik, ...

    Reini Scherer Geschäftsführer Kletterzentrum Innsbruck

    Scherer Reinhold

    Ehemaliger internationaler Routenbauer
    Georg - Bereich Routenbau

    Weber Georg

    Flo Murnig - Web Design

    Murnig Flo

    internationaler Routenbauer
    Julian Vögl

    VÖGL Julian

    nationaler Routenbauer

    Routen Liste

    Color Line Grade Sector Date Setter
    Color Line Grade Sector Date Setter