Ki Cup 2025 “Offene Hausmeisterschaften”
21. January 2025The “Fitness Check” for our hobby climbers is just around the corner. Our motto: Climbing together, bouldering together, collecting points, and then celebrating not just the winners but all participants accordingly. The competition serves as the open club championship of the Alpine Club Innsbruck and will be held in “Jam Mode.” All members of alpine clubs (ÖAV, DAV, SAC, etc.) are eligible to participate.
Adult Bouldering:
Wed, March 5, 2025, Registration 6:00 PM, Start 6:45 PM
Adult Rope Climbing:
Fri, March 21, 2025, Registration 6:00 PM, Start 6:45 PM
Mode: Points will be collected according to the proven KI point system. Participants have 2 hours for the best 10 boulders or 2.5 hours for the best 4 rope routes. In the case of an ex aequo position in the top 3, there may be a super final.
Bouldering: For the bouldering competition, the sector in the long corridor will be reset. If there are more than 40 participants, boulders from other sectors may also be climbed, though points will be deducted for already attempted/climbed boulders. More details will be provided during registration.
Rope Climbing: No new routes will be set for the rope climbing competition. Routes throughout the entire hall can be attempted, with the exception of those in the course area and the top-rope areas.
New: Onsight or Flash ascents will be rated higher than redpoint ascents. This is to ensure fairness for participants who don’t climb in our hall as regularly.
4 Age Groups: The general category (16 – 39), 40+, 50+, 60+
Registration: Registration, warm-up, and issuing of start numbers begin at 6:00 PM. Award ceremony between 9:30 PM and 10:00 PM.
Entry and Registration Fees: Participants and belayers pay the regular entry fee and must be registered (liability waiver). Wearing the event T-shirt is a requirement for participation.
No start without ID or proof of membership in an alpine club.
The Ki Team and the Alpine Club Innsbruck, along with its coaches and referees, are looking forward to a large number of participants!