Ki Climbing Festival – 7th anniversary

6. May 2024
KI Jahresfeier 2024

On Friday, May 24, 2024, we celebrate the 7th anniversary of the Kletterzentrum Innsbruck with a climbing festival right here at our facility.

The program is simple: come by, climb with us, have fun, and celebrate. Those interested can participate in the team competition. Food and music will be provided.

Competition Info: Participants in the team competition have the chance to win fantastic prizes. Registration will take place on-site from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. The competition will assess the best 3 boulders and the best 3 routes per climber in the team (scoring system and mode according to the KI Cup System). The award ceremony will take place at approximately 7:00 PM.

Grill Buffet Info: The grill buffet costs €20 per person. Visitors and competition participants who purchase tickets at the bistro counter before Wednesday, May 22, will only pay €15 per person.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Your Ki Team