The Fateful Seventh Year

19. June 2024
Das verflixte 7te Jahr

As every year, the birthday of the Innsbruck Climbing Center was celebrated with a team competition, a big barbecue, and lively festivities.

From young to old, everyone gathered at 3 PM for the traditional team competition. The combined age of the team members qualified them for the categories up to 29, up to 49, up to 74, up to 99, and over 100 years.

Motivated teams started precisely at 3:00 PM to score as many points as possible in their best three routes and three boulders. Until 6 PM, they could try as many routes and boulders as possible and finally submit their best results to the competition management.

Despite the forecast for bad weather, the weather gods favored Fritz’s phenomenal barbecue: The sun shone, and the tables were quickly moved to the forecourt of the climbing center. The 250 hungry guests – whether vegans, vegetarians, or carnivores – were treated to a varied and delicious feast.

Since Reini was unfortunately unable to attend, Gabi and Fabi took over the award ceremony, presenting the coveted Innsbruck Climbing Center trophies and many great prizes from Black Diamond.

Thanks to the good weather, the gathering continued until midnight.

All in all, it was a wonderful event.

We are already looking forward to the next birthday celebration.

Donwload the Results of the Team Competition here.

Your KI-Team